Studio Cafébabel has 20+ years of experience in producing various video and film formats. Some of the productions are ‘home made’ and inspired by participative journalism

Additionally many of the productions are adapted to the needs of its partners, as the experience
of short informative formats and our network of videographers in Europe allow us to think of
short, impactful and engaging formats.

Some examples…

Meet my hood

With Meet My Hood, promote your city, city network or urban policy by taking advantage of our field experience and our network of
videographers unique in Europe.

Who Cares?

A campaign in the form of a series of articles on social protection in Europe. Can we still protect the health of the voracious appetites of the market ?

Cafébabel also produces documentaries, subtitled in several languages.

This documentary / short film released in 2018 is about the Polish socio-political situation and the questions young people have about fundamental freedoms.

Know Origins – BORDERLINE   |    32min